Trademark Planning and Compliance Services
What is a Trademark?
A Trademark is any name, sign, logo or mark that is capable to represent any brand or service. It can be any symbol like "Apple'' for Macintosh or a name such as ''MacDonald's''. It's a distinctive sign to indicate the goods and services coming from a specific company or person. It's a notice to claim the intellectual property rights and the authority to own or sell it. It empowers the inventor or owner against the unauthorized use of their property by giving an exclusive right to use that registered sign or mark over their goods and services. It enables to sue the infringers in the court. Service providers and goods producers use the Trademark to enable their customers to distinguish their service or product from the similar and identical names available in the market.
Pakistan Trademark Registry and Trademark Low
In Pakistan, the rules and regulations about registering a trademark are set out in the Trade Mark Ordinance 2001 and with the provisions of Trade Mark Rules 2004. Trade Mark Registry in Pakistan is managed by the Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) of Pakistan. The Registry functions like a Civil Court and is responsible to grant trademark protection to goods and services covered under the defining law of Trade Mark rules 2004 and Trade Mark Ordinance 2001. The Registrar at the Trade Mark Registry oversees the cases pertinent to matters of post registration, pre-registration, rectification and opposition.
Why Trademark is essential for your business?
In recent times brand names have emerged to be more important than business name. Customers are loyal to their favorite brands and derive satisfaction from using it. This satisfaction evolves after a business invest a lot of time and patience into the product or service. It's your right to secure the goodwill of your brand by registering for a trademark, extending your legal right to protect it. The law confers numerous incentives for registering for a trademark including the legal ownership and the exclusive right to use the name or sign on your requested goods and services nationwide. Any developed branded good or service is at the stake of replication and infringements by nasty service providers who misuse well-known company brand names. Thus, hurting your brand image. If you are considering to save your brand from others faking your logo and sabotaging your pride you can get in touch with us. We will get your brand name or logo registered. Choose our prestigious professionals to get a Trademark for your business now.
Our services include:
Searching for trademark availability.
Filing for Registration and Protection.
Trademark Clearance.
Trademark Dispute Resolution.
Publication of Trademark in the Trade Journal of Pakistan.
Acquisition and Licensing of design, Trademark and copyrights.
Enforcement of Trademark worldwide.
Trademark Oppositions.
Our representatives carry out all the process smoothly by presenting on your behalf at the Trade Mark Registry. All the hearings regarding the registration, initial review, publication of trademarks and objections are done at the Registry. The validity of the trademark for any good or service in Pakistan expires after the 10 years of registration.
How to trademark any name or sign
Before considering trademark for your business, it's important to determine that the intended mark or sign is unique and available. There should be no brand or service previously registered with the similar or same mark. To determine availability, you can hire any firm or review it individually too. Our dedicated professionals can help you check the availability of the mark and help with registering it as well. Our services include assessing your sign or symbol for application of trademark, reviewing your application and checking if it fits the criteria to be registered.
The trademark registration applications are submitted at the Pakistan Trademark Registry. It's prudent to outsource the process to a professional to inspect the journal for already registered trademarks to indicate the proposed design, name or mark does not bear any resemblance to any prohibited one or existing trademark.
Steps of Trademark registration in Pakistan
We are the premium service providers for Trademark Registration services in Pakistan. In the past years we have served 250 clients. Our customers rely us for more than 3 decades for their Trademark application and registration process. The experienced professional at ATD are the best in business and know their work well. Here is how we get a trademark for your business:
Step 1
First the applied trademark is inspected for availability among the list of products that can be trademarked. Search is also made for existing trademark to ensure yours is unique in all terms.
Step 2
The governing authority of trademark rules and regulations Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) conducts a research for the same purpose, makes a report and forward the report findings to the applicant authorized consultant.
Step 3
If the trademark shows probability of approval, then we submit the following documents on your behalf.
a. CNIC of the Trader.
b. Business Registration Certificate or Incorporation Certificate, Partnership Deed in case of Partnership.
c. Power of Attorney.
d. Registration form (T-1) or (T-2) whichever fits your category
e. 8 copies of the Trademark.
Step 4
At this stage we submit the registration fee in the name of ''DG-IPO'' through pay order.
Step 5
Our consultants submits the pre-requisite documents and the pay order at the IPO office.
Step 6
A trademark number is allocated to the client on the submission of the application. Once the application is approved the goods and services can be labelled with the trademark. This protects the misuse of intellectual property rights owned by the client.
Step 7
The officials at IPO briefly investigate and if there are no objections over the request, the trademark is published in the Trade Mark Journal of Pakistan. If there's no objection reported or claim by any party over the trademark the IPO allocates the trademark by issuing the Certificate of Registration.
What’s eligible for Trademark?
Any name, label, graphics or symbol that is used as your brand recognition tool. This can be any phrase or slogan that resonates with your brand identity.
What’s not eligible forTrademark?
Any creative work of art is secured through copyright. It includes songs, films, books and theatrical performances. Any invention of business process, scientific method or device is protected through utility patent. Any idea unless manifested in a tangible form is not eligible for patent or copyright.